
Our Research Department has participated in numerous innovative projects - in fields as varied as code analysis, insurance composition, the definition of radio test benches, the development of secure platforms, operational security assurance and even communicating vehicles - which enables it to maintain a high level of requirement and expertise in the security of numerous IT technologies.
These projects and the associated technological watch enable us to be armed to face the new challenges and problems of the security of tomorrow's solutions.
Research and Investment Platform
for the Safety and Security of Autonomous Mobility

City-Level Cyber-secure
Multimodal Transport Ecosystem

Trusted Autonomous Mobility
TAM's project aims at providing high levels of security and trust in autonomous mobility systems. It consists of the specification of use cases specific to autonomous vehicle deployments, the assessment of associated cybersecurity and safety risks, the specification and implementation of privacy protection and misbehaviour detection countermeasures, and the definition of crypto agility mechanisms taking into account the challenge of post-quantum cryptography. The project will include performance evaluation of the solutions.

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